Holographic CFT phase transitions for 4-D Dyonic AdS Black Holes
Abhishek Baruah,Prabwal Phukon
Abstract:From the AdS/CFT correspondence framework, we investigate the holographic dual of the extended thermodynamics of four dimensional charged dyonic AdS black holes. By considering the changes in the cosmological constant and Newton's constant, the gravitational thermodynamics of AdS black holes can be extended. This corresponds to including the central charge $C$ and its chemical potential $\mu$ to the conventional pairs of temperature vs. entropy $(T, S)$, electric potential vs. charge $(\tilde{\Phi},\tilde{Q})$, and field theory pressure vs. volume $(p,\mathcal{V})$ as a new pair of conjugate thermodynamic variables in the dual CFT. Here we have dived further and taken a dyonic system. So the conventional pairs for potential and charges become electric potential and charge $(\tilde{\Phi}_e,\tilde{Q}_e)$ and magnetic potential and charge $(\tilde{\Phi}_m, \tilde{Q}_m)$. In all the 16 ensembles that we examined, we found that only some have interesting phase behavior. For ensembles $(\tilde{\Phi}_e, \tilde{Q}_m \mathcal{V}, C )$, $(\tilde{\Phi}_m, \tilde{Q}_e \mathcal{V}, C )$ and $(\tilde{Q}_e, \tilde{Q}_m \mathcal{V}, C )$ we notice a first and second order phase transition. For the ensemble $(\tilde{\Phi}_e, \tilde{\Phi}_m \mathcal{V}, C )$ we see a confined/deconfined phase transition. At a temperature that depends on $\mu$, we discover a zeroth-order phase transition between a high- and low-entropy phase in the fixed $(\tilde{\Phi}_e, \tilde{Q}_m \mathcal{V}, \mu )$, $(\tilde{\Phi}_m, \tilde{Q}_e \mathcal{V}, \mu )$, $(\tilde{Q}_e, \tilde{Q}_m \mathcal{V}, \mu )$. Since in our study of the parametric plots, the fixed eight $p$ ensembles exhibit no critical behavior, or $p-\mathcal{V}$ criticality, the CFT state dual to a classical charged black hole cannot be a Van der Waals fluid.
High Energy Physics - Theory,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology