Content-Based Image Retrieval in PACS
CHEN Xi-mo,XIE Xuan-yang,LI Zhi-ming,LI Xi,LI Yang-bin
Abstract:Acknowledgments This work is partially supported by Army Research Office through Contract No. DAAH04-93-D- 0003D. We thank,the work done by researchers,in Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology of Washington University for the digital mammography ,database they maintained and shared from the web. Further author information: (Send correspondence,to H. Qi) H.Qi: Center for Advanced Computing and Communication, Box 7914, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7914. Tel: 919-513-2008, Fax: 919-515-2285, Email: W.E. Snyder: Center for Advanced Computing and Communication, Box 7914, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7914. Tel: 919-515-5114, Fax: 919-515-2285, Email: 2 Content-Based Image Retrieval in PACS Abstract In this paper, we propose the concept of content-basedimage retrieval (CBIR) and demonstrate its potential use in picture archival and communication,system (PACS). We address,the importance ofimage,retrieval in PACS and highlight the drawbacks ,existing in traditional textual-based retrieval. Weuse a digital mammogram database as our testing data to illustrate the idea of CBIR, where retrieval is carried based on object shape, size, and brightness histogram. With a user-supplied query image, the system can find images with similar characteristics from the archive, and return them along with the corresponding ancillary data which may provide a valuable reference for radiologists in a new case study. Furthermore, CBIR can perform like a consultant in emergencies when radiologists are not available. Wealso show that content-based retrieval is a more natural approach to man-machine communication. Keywords: content-based image retrieval (CBIR), picture archival and communication system