Abnormal planar Hall effect in quasi-1D Kondo chain CeCo$_2$Ga$_8$ and its implications for hybridization dynamics
Shuo Zou,Hai Zeng,Zhuo Wang,Guohao Dong,Xiaodong Guo,Fangjun Lu,Zengwei Zhu,Youguo Shi,Yongkang Luo
Abstract:The process how heavy-electron state is established in Kondo-lattice compounds remains an unsolved issue. Recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and ultrafast optical spectroscopy imply an intermediate regime with hybridization fluctuations prior to the establishment of Kondo coherence, which appears at odds with traditional transport measurements. Extensive experimental works are highly demanded to both reconcile this dichotomy and delineate the intrinsic features in this special regime. Here, on the example of quasi-one-dimensional Kondo lattice compound CeCo$_2$Ga$_8$, we investigated angular dependent magnetotransport properties by planar Hall effect and planar anisotropic magnetoresistance measurements. Upon cooling from $T_K^{on}$ (an onset of incoherent Kondo scattering ) to below $T^*$ (where coherent $c$-$f$ hybridization comes into play), the two-fold symmetrical pattern of planar Hall effect changes sign gradually (i.e. $180^\circ$ phase shift); most strikingly, as a crossover, additional oscillations appear and persist until the heavy-electron state is stabilized below $T^*$. These results provide new insights for the regime of hybridization dynamics which might be deemed as a precursor state of the heavy-electron state.
Strongly Correlated Electrons,Materials Science,Other Condensed Matter,Superconductivity