Counting Perfect Matchings In Dirac Hypergraphs
Matthew Kwan,Roodabeh Safavi,Yiting Wang
Abstract:One of the foundational theorems of extremal graph theory is Dirac's theorem, which says that if an n-vertex graph G has minimum degree at least n/2, then G has a Hamilton cycle, and therefore a perfect matching (if n is even). Later work by Sárkozy, Selkow and Szemerédi showed that in fact Dirac graphs have many Hamilton cycles and perfect matchings, culminating in a result of Cuckler and Kahn that gives a precise description of the numbers of Hamilton cycles and perfect matchings in a Dirac graph G (in terms of an entropy-like parameter of G).
In this paper we extend Cuckler and Kahn's result to perfect matchings in hypergraphs. For positive integers d < k, and for n divisible by k, let $m_{d}(k,n)$ be the minimum d-degree that ensures the existence of a perfect matching in an n-vertex k-uniform hypergraph. In general, it is an open question to determine (even asymptotically) the values of $m_{d}(k,n)$, but we are nonetheless able to prove an analogue of the Cuckler-Kahn theorem, showing that if an n-vertex k-uniform hypergraph G has minimum d-degree at least $(1+\gamma)m_{d}(k,n)$ (for any constant $\gamma>0$), then the number of perfect matchings in G is controlled by an entropy-like parameter of G. This strengthens cruder estimates arising from work of Kang-Kelly-Kühn-Osthus-Pfenninger and Pham-Sah-Sawhney-Simkin.