Phase estimation via number-conserving operation inside the SU(1,1) interferometer
Qingqian Kang,Zekun Zhao,Teng Zhao,Cunjin Liu,Liyun Hu
Abstract:Utilizing nonlinear elements, SU(1,1) interferometers demonstrate superior phase sensitivity compared to passive interferometers. However, the precision is significantly impacted by photon losses, particularly internal losses. We propose a theoretical scheme to improve the precision of phase measurement using homodyne detection by implementing number-conserving operations (PA-then-PS and PS-then-PA) within the SU(1,1) interferometer, with the coherent state and the vacuum state as the input states. We analyze the effects of number-conserving operations on the phase sensitivity, the quantum Fisher information, and the quantum Cramer-Rao bound under both ideal and photon losses scenarios. Our findings reveal that the internal non-Gaussian operations can enhance the phase sensitivity and the quantum Fisher information, and effectively improve the robustness of the SU(1,1) interferometer against internal photon losses. Notably, the PS-then-PA scheme exhibits superior improvement in both ideal and photon losses cases in terms of phase sensitivity. Moreover, in the ideal case, PA-then-PS scheme slightly outperforms PS-then-PA scheme in terms of the quantum Fisher information and the Quantum Cramer-Rao. However, in the presence of photon losses, PS-then-PA scheme demonstrates a greater advantage.
Quantum Physics