Mechanisms for the Asymmetric Motion of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Waves: A Consistent‐Mass Cable Model
Longhuan Zhu,Kimberly D. Huguenard,Q. Zou,D. Fredriksson
Abstract:17 Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) provides primary products for the food web, 18 as well as shelter and nursery for many juvenile species. SAV can also attenuate 19 waves, stabilize the seabed and improve water quality. These environmental services 20 are influenced by the dynamic motion of SAV. In this paper, a consistent-mass cable 21 model was developed to investigate flow interaction with a flexible vegetation blade. 22 Compared with previous vegetation models, the cable model showed improvements in 23 simulating blade motions in waves with and without currents, especially for “second24 normal-mode-like” blade motion. Wave asymmetry would cause blade motion to be 25 asymmetric. However, asymmetric blade motion may also occur in symmetric waves. 26 Results indicate that the asymmetric blade motion in symmetric waves is induced 27 by two major mechanisms: (i) the spatial asymmetry of the encountered wave orbital 28 velocities (wave motion relative to blade) due to blade displacements and (ii) the asym29 metric action on the blade by vertical wave orbital velocities. Consequently, the blade 30 motion is asymmetric even underneath symmetric waves unless (i) blade length (l) is 31 much smaller than the wavelength (l/L 1), (ii) blade length is much smaller than 32 the water depth (l/h 1) in finite-water-depth waves, or (iii) water depth is much 33 smaller than the wavelength (h/L 1). Peak asymmetric blade motion occurs as 34 l/L increases to a critical value. The peak asymmetry increases with wave height and 35 blade length but decreases with increasing blade flexural rigidity. Blade motion char36 acteristics play an important role in wave-vegetation interaction, wave-driven currents, 37 wave-attenuation capacity, breakage of vegetation and ecosystem services. 38 Plain Language Summary 39 Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) can reduce wave energy, stabilize the seabed 40 and improve water quality. These environmental services are influenced by SAV mo41 tion. In this paper, a numerical model was developed to study flow interaction with 42 a flexible blade. Compared with previous vegetation models, the cable model showed 43 improvements in simulating blade motions in waves with and without currents. Wave 44 asymmetry would cause blade motion to be asymmetric. However, asymmetric blade 45 motion may also occur in symmetric waves. Results indicate that the asymmetric 46 motion in symmetric waves is induced by two major factors: (i) the spatial asymme47 try of the encountered wave velocities (wave motion relative to blade) due to blade 48 displacements and (ii) the asymmetric action on the blade by vertical wave velocities. 49 Consequently, the blade motion is asymmetric unless (i) blade length is much smaller 50 than the wavelength, (ii) blade length is much smaller than the water depth in non51 deep-water waves, or (iii) water depth is much smaller than the wavelength. Peak 52 asymmetric blade motion increases with wave height and blade length but decreases 53 with increasing blade flexural rigidity. Blade motion characteristics play an important 54 role in wave-vegetation interaction, wave-driven currents, wave-attenuation capacity, 55 breakage of vegetation and ecosystem services. 56
Geology,Environmental Science