Relativistic electron acceleration by mJ-class kHz lasers normally incident on liquid targets

Scott Feister,Drake R. Austin,John T. Morrison,Kyle D. Frische,Chris Orban,Gregory Ngirmang,Abraham Handler,Joseph R. H. Smith,Mark Schillaci,Jay A. LaVerne,Enam A. Chowdhury,R.R. Freeman,W.M. Roquemore
Abstract:We report observation of kHz-pulsed-laser-accelerated electron energies up to 3 MeV in the -$k_\text{laser}$ (backward) direction from a 3 mJ laser interacting at normal incidence with a solid density, flowing-liquid target. The electrons/MeV/s.r. >1 MeV recorded here using a mJ-class laser exceeds or equals that of prior super-ponderomotive electron studies employing lasers at lower repetition-rates and oblique incidence. Focal intensity of the 40-fs-duration laser is 1.5 $\cdot$ 10$^{18}$ W cm$^{-2}$, corresponding to only ~80 keV electron ponderomotive energy. Varying laser intensity confirms electron energies in the laser-reflection direction well above what might be expected from ponderomotive scaling in normal-incidence laser-target geometry. This direct, normal-incidence energy spectrum measurement is made possible by modifying the final focusing off-axis-paraboloid (OAP) mirror with a central hole that allows electrons to pass, and restoring laser intensity through adaptive optics. A Lanex-based, optics-free high-acquisition rate (>100 Hz) magnetic electron-spectrometer was developed for this study to enable shot-to-shot statistical analysis and real-time feedback, which was leveraged in finding optimal pre-plasma conditions. 3D Particle-in-cell simulations of the interaction show qualitative super-ponderomotive spectral agreement with experiment. The demonstration of a high-repetition-rate, high-flux source containing >MeV electrons from a few-mJ, 40 fs laser and a simple liquid target encourages development of future $\geq$kHz-repetition, fs-duration electron-beam applications.
Plasma Physics
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