Invertible topological field theories
Christopher Schommer‐Pries
Journal of Topology
Abstract:A d ‐dimensional invertible topological field theory (TFT) is a functor from the symmetric monoidal (∞,n) ‐category of d ‐bordisms (embedded into R∞ and equipped with a tangential (X,ξ) ‐structure) that lands in the Picard subcategory of the target symmetric monoidal (∞,n) ‐category. We classify these field theories in terms of the cohomology of the (n−d) ‐connective cover of the Madsen–Tillmann spectrum. This is accomplished by identifying the classifying space of the (∞,n) ‐category of bordisms with Ω∞−nMTξ as an E∞ ‐space. This generalizes the celebrated result of Galatius–Madsen–Tillmann–Weiss (Acta Math. 202 (2009), no. 2, 195–239) in the case n=1 , and of Bökstedt–Madsen (An alpine expedition through algebraic topology, vol. 617, Contemp. Math., Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2014, pp. 39–80) in the n ‐uple case. We also obtain results for the (∞,n) ‐category of d ‐bordisms embedding into a fixed ambient manifold M , generalizing results of Randal–Williams (Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2011 (2011), no. 3, 572–608) in the case n=1 . We give two applications: (1) we completely compute all extended and partially extended invertible TFTs with target a certain category of n ‐vector spaces (for n⩽4 ), and (2) we use this to give a negative answer to a question raised by Gilmer and Masbaum (Forum Math. 25 (2013), no. 5, 1067–1106. arXiv:0912.4706).