Isogenies of non-CM elliptic curves with rational $j$-invariants over number fields

Filip Najman
Abstract:We unconditionally determine $I_\Q(d)$, the set of possible prime degrees of cyclic $K$-isogneies of elliptic curves with $\Q$-rational $j$-invariants and without complex multiplication over number fields $K$ of degree $\leq d$, for $d\leq 7$, and give an upper bound for $I_\Q(d)$ for $d>7$. Assuming Serre's uniformity conjecture, we determine $I_\Q(d)$ exactly for all positive integers $d$.
Number Theory,Algebraic Geometry
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to determine the possible prime degrees of cyclic \(K\)-isogenies of elliptic curves over number fields with rational \(j\)-invariants and without complex multiplication (CM). Specifically, the author hopes to unconditionally determine the set \(I_Q(d)\), that is, the possible prime degrees of cyclic \(K\)-isogenies of elliptic curves with rational \(j\)-invariants and without complex multiplication over number fields \(K\) of degree at most \(d\), where \(d\leq7\), and give an upper bound for \(I_Q(d)\) when \(d > 7\). Furthermore, assuming Serre’s uniformity conjecture, the author hopes to be able to precisely determine \(I_Q(d)\) for all positive integers \(d\). ### Main problem decomposition: 1. **Determine the specific value of \(I_Q(d)\)**: For \(d\leq7\), the author hopes to unconditionally determine all possible prime degrees. 2. **Give an upper bound when \(d > 7\)**: For larger \(d\), the author hopes to give a reasonable upper bound for \(I_Q(d)\). 3. **Results under the assumption of Serre's uniformity conjecture**: If Serre's uniformity conjecture is assumed to hold, the author hopes to give precise results for all positive integers \(d\). ### Main contributions of the paper: - **Unconditional results**: The author proves that for \(d\leq7\), \(I_Q(d)=I_Q(1)\), where \(I_Q(1)=\{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 37\}\). - **Conditional results**: Assuming Serre's uniformity conjecture holds, the author proves that for all positive integers \(d\), \(I_Q(d)=I_Q(1)\cup\{p \text{ prime}: p\leq d - 1\}\). ### Formulas and symbol explanations: - \(E/K\) represents an elliptic curve defined over the number field \(K\). - \(\phi: E\rightarrow E'\) represents a \(K\)-isogeny from the elliptic curve \(E\) to \(E'\). - \(\ker\phi\) represents the kernel of the isogeny \(\phi\), which is a Galois - invariant cyclic group. - \(I_Q(d)\) represents the set of possible prime degrees of cyclic \(K\)-isogenies of elliptic curves with rational \(j\)-invariants and without complex multiplication over number fields \(K\) of degree at most \(d\). - \(\rho_{E, p}\) represents the mod \(p\) Galois representation, which is a homomorphism from the absolute Galois group \(G_Q\) to \(GL_2(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})\). Through these studies, the author provides an important theoretical basis for understanding the isogeny properties of elliptic curves over number fields.