Irreducibility over the Max-Min Semiring
Benjamin Baily,Justine Dell,Henry L. Fleischmann,Faye Jackson,Steven J. Miller,Ethan Pesikoff,Luke Reifenberg
Abstract:For sets $A, B\subset \mathbb N$, their sumset is $A + B := \{a+b: a\in A, b\in B\}$. If we cannot write a set $C$ as $C = A+B$ with $|A|, |B|\geq 2$, then we say that $C$ is $\textit{irreducible}$. The question of whether a given set $C$ is irreducible arises naturally in additive combinatorics. Equivalently, we can formulate this question as one about the irreducibility of boolean polynomials, which has been discussed in previous work by K. H. Kim and F. W. Roush (2005) and Y. Shitov (2014). We prove results about the irreducibility of polynomials and power series over the max-min semiring, a natural generalization of the boolean polynomials.
We use combinatorial and probabilistic methods to prove that almost all polynomials are irreducible over the max-min semiring, generalizing work of Y. Shitov (2014) and proving a 2011 conjecture by D. L. Applegate, M. Le Brun, and N. J. A. Sloane. Furthermore, we use measure-theoretic methods and apply Borel's result on normal numbers to prove that almost all power series are asymptotically irreducible over the max-min semiring. This result generalizes work of E. Wirsing (1953).
Combinatorics,Number Theory