Area-minimizing Cones over Products of Grassmannian Manifolds
Xiaoxiang Jiao,Hongbin Cui,Jialin Xin
Abstract:This paper is the continuation of the previous one \cite{Cui2021}, where we re-proved the area-minimization of cones over Grassmannians of $n$-planes $G(n,m;\mathbb{F})(\mathbb{F}=\mathbb{R},\mathbb{C},\mathbb{H})$, Cayley plane $\mathbb{O}P^2$ from the point view of Hermitian orthogonal projectors, and gave area-minimizing cones associated to oriented real Grassmannians $\widetilde{G}(n,m;\mathbb{R})$.
In this paper, we make a further step on showing that the cones, of dimension no less than $\mathbf{8}$, over minimal products of $G(n,m;\mathbb{F})$ are area-minimizing. Moreover, those cones are very similar to the classical cones over products of spheres, and for the critical situation -- the cones of dimension $\mathbf{7}$ \cite{lawlor1991sufficient}, we gain more area-minimizing cones by carefully computing the Jacobian $inf_{v}det(I-tH^{v}_{ij})$. Certain minimizing cones among them had been found from the perspective of $R$-spaces\cite{Ohno2021area}, or isoparametric theory\cite{tang2020minimizing}, and others are completely new.
We also prove that the cones over minimal product of $\widetilde{G}(n,m;\mathbb{R})$ are area-minimizing.
Differential Geometry