Ultrastructure of the extraordinary pedal gland in Asplanchna aff. herricki (Rotifera: Monogononta)

Rick Hochberg,Robert L. Wallace,Elizabeth J. Walsh,Thiago Q. Araújo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jmor.21765
Journal of Morphology
Abstract:The freshwater rotifer Asplanchna aff. herricki possesses a singular pedal gland that secretes a long mucus thread while swimming. The gland is syncytial, binucleate, and produces large membrane‐bound secretion vesicles that fuse and eventually go through a phase transition to a mesh‐like secretion. The secretion is extruded through a single posterior duct and remains attached to the animal as it glides through the plankton. Rotifers possess complex morphologies despite their microscopic size and simple appearance. Part of this complexity is hidden in the structure of their organs, which may be cellular or syncytial. Surprisingly, organs that are cellular in one taxon can be syncytial in another. Pedal glands are widespread across Rotifera and function in substrate attachment and/or egg brooding. These glands are normally absent in Asplanchna, which lack feet and toes that function as outlets for pedal glandular secretions in other rotifers. Here, we describe the ultrastructure of a pedal gland that is singular and syncytial in Asplanchna aff. herricki, but is normally paired and cellular in all other rotifers. Asplanchna aff. herricki has a single large pedal gland that is active and secretory; it has a bipartite, binucleate, syncytial body and a cytosol filled with rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and several types of secretory vesicles. The most abundant vesicle type is large and contains a spherical electron‐dense secretion that appears to be produced through homotypic fusion of condensing vesicles produced by the Golgi. The vesicles appear to undergo a phase transition from condensed to decondensed along their pathway toward the gland lumen. Decondensation changes the contents to a mucin‐like matrix that is eventually exocytosed in a "kiss‐and‐run" fashion with the plasma membrane of the gland lumen. Exocytosed mucus enters the gland lumen and exits through an epithelial duct that is an extension of the syncytial integument. This results in mucus that extends from the rotifer as a long string as the animal swims through the water. The function of this mucus is unknown, but we speculate it may function in temporary attachment, prey capture, or floatation.
anatomy & morphology
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