Educational Game Design Sex for Early Childhood Based Android application to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Bullying in Children
Atika Zahra Furi,Adi Nova Trisetiyato,Yuyun Raya Lina Umalisa
Journal of Curriculum Indonesia
Abstract:Sex education is effort teaching , awareness , and giving information about problem sexual . The information provided includes _ knowledge about reproductive organ function with instill morals, ethics , commitment , religion so as not to happen abuse of reproductive organs the . Knowledge about sex in children can prevent happening deviation sex in children . Sex education in children can also prevent children _ No become a victim of abuse sexual , with provided knowledge about sex , they become understand which behaviors are included abuse sexual . Study This aim For produce android application in the form of educational games sex For child age early and Develop a guide use application as well as test effectiveness product . Study This belong in Research and Development (R&D), using steps _ _ following : Define, Design, Development , and Dissemination or abbreviated with 4D. Research results This form android application in form of educational games sex For child age early , or called “ GmES ” Educational Game Sex for Early Childhood . Has 4 main menus , namely : 1) Main page containing information about applications , 2) Educational videos containing song touch may and touch No yes , 3) Educational game containing part body touch may and may not can child lali - male and female , 4) Evaluation Menu question based quiz you can done with parents . _ kindly appearance and function showing good results , however _ Still need development next . Conclusion in This research is research to produce sex educational games for early childhood based Android application that contains 4 main menus namely : Home Page, Educational Videos , Game Touch Yes & No OK , evaluate with Parents . _ Educational Games Early Childhood Sex delivers _ education through video, train child through pictures and sound , evaluation with parents . Suggestions for next can developed more game forms interactive and interesting , as well can added appearance based on Augmented Reality.