Investigation of non-local heat transport and its interplay with neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) in the HL-2A tokamak
Y. Xu,X. Q. Ji,O. Pan,Yi Liu,W. L. Zhong,Z. B. Shi,M. Jiang,B. B. Feng,D.,L. Yu,Y. Zhou,J. Cheng,M. Xu,W. Chen,Yuan Xu,Y. B. Dong,L. W. Yan,X. T. Ding,Q. W. Yang,X. R. Duan,Yong Liu
Abstract:In fusion plasmas, a number of experiments for the study of transient transport events have revealed a striking phenomenon, i. e., a fast “non-local” response of the core temperature rising to an edge cooling executed at the plasma periphery [1-6]. A few common features are observed during this non-local transport (NLT): (i) the core electron temperature (Te) quickly increases before the edge cooling pulse diffuses in; (ii) the NLT usually happens below a critical density or collisionality; (iii) the reversal radius of the opposite Te variation on two sides is often located in the region of 1<q<2. This transient and non-diffusive response with reversed polarity calls seriously into question of the standard “local” transport model, and hence, has puzzled scientists for more than twenty years. For understanding the physical processes of the NLT, various theoretical models have been proposed to explain the provocative nonlocal effects [3]. Among them the self-organized criticality (SOC) paradigm attempts to unravel the transport enigma via the interrelation between individual turbulent eddies and large-scale transport events like the “sand-pile” avalanche [7-10]. In this paper, we present the experimental investigation on the properties of SOC dynamics during the NLT at the HL-2A tokamak. The experiments were carried out in ohmically or ECRH heated plasmas. Typical discharge parameters were R=1.65 m, a=0.38-0.40 m, BT =1.3-1.45 T, Ip=150-165 kA, PECRH=1.2-2.0 MW and e n = (0.8-2.0) ×10 m. The non-local effects were induced in low density discharges by employing a SMBI system which made cold pulses at the plasma boundary [4]. For measuring the equilibrium and fluctuating Te, a 16 channel ECE diagnostic was used and digitized at a sampling rate of 1.25 MHz. The Doppler reflectometer and Langmuir probes detected edge turbulence and poloidal plasma rotations, and Mirnov coils measured magnetic fluctuations. Figure 1 plots discharge waveforms and multi-channel ECE signals in a typical NLT shot. Figure 1(a) shows that the Ip is constant and the SMB was injected at t=1084 ms during the stationary phase of the discharge. After the SMBI, the e n