Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles produced in interactions as and 1800 GeV
F Abe, D Amidei, G Apollinari, G Ascoli, M Atac, P Auchincloss, AR Baden, A Barbaro-Galtieri, VE Barnes, F Bedeschi, S Belforte, G Bellettini, J Bellinger, J Bensinger, A Beretvas, P Berge, S Bertolucci, S Bhadra, M Binkley, R Blair, C Blocker, J Bofill, AW Booth, G Brandenburg, D Brown, A Byon, KL Byrum, M Campbell, R Carey, W Carithers, D Carlsmith, JT Carroll, R Cashmore, F Cervelli, K Chadwick, T Chapin, G Chiarelli, W Chinowsky, S Cihangir, D Cline, D Connor, M Contreras, J Cooper, M Cordelli, M Curatolo, C Day, R DelFabbro, Mauro Dell'Orso, L DeMortier, T Devlin, D DiBitonto, R Diebold, F Dittus, A DiVirgilio, JE Elias, R Ely, S Errede, B Esposito, B Flaugher, Ettore Focardi, GW Foster, M Franklin, J Freeman, H Frisch, Y Fukui, AF Garfinkel, P Giannetti, N Giokaris, P Giromini, L Gladney, M Gold, K Goulianos, C Grosso-Pilcher, C Haber, SR Hahn, R Handler, RM Harris, J Hauser, T Hessing, R Hollebeek, P Hu, B Hubbard, P Hurst, J Huth, H Jensen, RP Johnson, U Joshi, RW Kadel, T Kamon, S Kanda, DA Kardelis, I Karliner, E Kearns, R Kephart, P Kesten, H Keutelian, S Kim, L Kirsch, K Kondo, U Kruse, SE Kuhlmann, AT Laasanen, W Li, T Liss, N Lockyer, F Marchetto, R Markeloff, LA Markosky, P McIntyre, A Menzione, T Meyer, S Mikamo, M Miller, T Mimashi, S Miscetti, M Mishina, S Miyashita, N Mondal, S Mori, Y Morita, A Mukherjee, C Newman-Holmes, L Nodulman, Riccardo Paoletti, A Para, J Patrick, TJ Phillips, H Piekarz, R Plunkett, L Pondrom, J Proudfoot, G Punzi, D Quarrie, K Ragan, G Redlinger, J Rhoades, F Rimondi, L Ristori, T Rohaly, A Roodman, A Sansoni, R Sard, V Scarpine, P Schlabach, EE Schmidt, P Schoessow, MH Schub, R Schwitters, A Scribano, S Segler
Abstract:We present measurements of the pseudorapidity (η) distribution of charged particles (d N ch d η) produced within| η|≤ 3.5 in proton-antiproton collisions at s of 630 and 1800 GeV. We measure d N ch d η at η= 0 to be 3.18±0.06 (stat)±0.10 (syst) at 630 GeV, and 3.95±0.03 (stat)±0.13 (syst) at 1800 GeV. Many systematic errors in the ratio of d N ch d η at the two energies cancel, and we measure 1.26±0.01±0.04 for the ratio of d N ch d η at 1800 GeV to that at 630 GeV within| η|≤ 3. Comparing to lower-energy data, we observe an increase faster than ln (s) in d N ch d η at η= 0.