Abstract:We first investigate two kinds of Fricke families consisting of Fricke functions and Siegel functions, respectively. And, in terms of their special values we generate ray class fields of imaginary quadratic fields, which is related to the Lang-Schertz conjecture.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is related to the ray class fields of imaginary quadratic fields generated by the special values of the Fricke function family and the Siegel function family, which is related to the Lang - Schertz conjecture. Specifically, the goals of the paper include:
1. **Study two types of Fricke function families**: One consists of Fricke functions, and the other consists of the \(12N\) - th power of Siegel functions.
2. **Use the special values of these function families to generate the ray class fields of imaginary quadratic fields** and explore the relationship between these special values and the Lang - Schertz conjecture.
3. **Verify the Lang - Schertz conjecture**: That is, generate ray class fields through Siegel - Ramachandra invariants under specific conditions.
### Specific description of the main problem
The main problem of the paper is to verify the Lang - Schertz conjecture, that is, for a given imaginary quadratic field \(K\) and a non - trivial ideal \(n\), whether the Siegel - Ramachandra invariant \(g_{n}^{12N}(C)\) can generate the ray class field \(K_n\) beyond the Hilbert class field \(H_K\). Specifically:
- **Fricke invariant** \(f_n(C)\) and **Siegel - Ramachandra invariant** \(g_n^{12N}(C)\) : Their definitions and properties.
- **Generating ray class fields**: Prove that \(f_n(C)\) generates \(K_n\) beyond \(H_K\).
- **Lang - Schertz conjecture**: Under certain conditions, prove that \(g_n^{12N}(C)\) generates \(K_n\) beyond \(H_K\).
### Formula representation
The key formulas involved in the paper include:
- Fricke function:
f_v(\tau)=- 27^{35}\left(\frac{g_2(\tau)g_3(\tau)}{\Delta(\tau)}\right)\wp_v(\tau)
\wp_v(\tau)=\wp(v_1\tau + v_2;[\tau,1])
- Siegel function:
g_v(\tau)=e^{-\frac{1}{2}(v_1\eta(\tau;[\tau,1])+v_2\eta(1;[\tau,1]))(v_1\tau + v_2)}\sigma(v_1\tau + v_2;[\tau,1])\eta(\tau)^2
\eta(\tau)=\sqrt{2\pi}\zeta^8q^{1/24}\prod_{n = 1}^{\infty}(1 - q^n)
- Generation of special values:
\zeta^{-4/\gcd(4,N)}_{2N}\left(\frac{g_{[1/2,1/2 + 1/N]}(\tau_K)}{g_{[0,1/N]}(\tau_K)}\right)^{8/\gcd(4,N)}
Through these formulas, the paper proves that under specific conditions, the above special values can indeed generate the required ray class fields, thus verifying the Lang - Schertz conjecture.