Abstract:Let K denote a finite extension of Qp. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for an infinite totally wildly ramified extension L/K to be strictly APF in the sense of Fontaine-Wintenberger. Our conditions are phrased in terms of the existence of a certain tower of intermediate subfields. These conditions are well-suited to producing examples of strictly APF extensions, and in particular, our main theorem proves that the phi-iterate extensions previously considered by the first two authors are strictly APF.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: to give the necessary and sufficient conditions for an infinite, totally wildly ramified extension \(L/K\) to be strictly APF (arithmetically profinite). Specifically, the author hopes to find a method to determine whether an infinite and totally wildly ramified Galois extension is strictly APF, and generate specific examples of strictly APF extensions through these conditions.
In the paper, the author proposes and proves the following theorem:
**Theorem 1.1**: Let \(L/K\) be an infinite and totally wildly ramified extension. Then \(L/K\) is strictly APF if and only if there exists a finite extension tower \(\{E_n\}_{n\geq2}\) such that \(E_1 := K\), and \(L=\cup E_n\), and a norm - compatible sequence \(\{\pi_n\}_{n\geq1}\), where \(\pi_n\) is a uniformizer of \(E_n\), and the following conditions are satisfied:
1. The degrees \(q_n:=[E_{n + 1}:E_n]\) are bounded above.
2. If \(f_n(x)=x^{q_n}+a_{n,q_n - 1}x^{q_n-1}+\cdots+a_{n,1}x+(- 1)^p\pi_n\in E_n[x]\) is the minimal polynomial of \(\pi_{n + 1}\) over \(E_n\), then the non - constant terms and the non - leading coefficients \(a_{n,i}\) satisfy \(v_K(a_{n,i})>\epsilon\) for some positive number \(\epsilon\) independent of \(n\) and \(i\).
Furthermore, if \(L/K\) is strictly APF, \(\{E_n\}\) can be chosen as an elementary sub - extension tower (see Definition 2.8), and any norm - compatible sequence of uniformizers \(\{\pi_n\}\) can be chosen.
Through this theorem, the author is able to generate many specific examples of strictly APF extensions and show the subtleties of these conditions. For example, they provide some examples that are not APF or are APF but not strictly APF to illustrate the importance of these conditions.
In summary, the main contribution of this paper is to provide a clear and easy - to - verify condition for determining whether an infinite and totally wildly ramified Galois extension is strictly APF, and to show how to construct such an extension.