Relative-error monotonicity testing
Xi Chen,Anindya De,Yizhi Huang,Yuhao Li,Shivam Nadimpalli,Rocco A. Servedio,Tianqi Yang
Abstract:The standard model of Boolean function property testing is not well suited for testing $\textit{sparse}$ functions which have few satisfying assignments, since every such function is close (in the usual Hamming distance metric) to the constant-0 function. In this work we propose and investigate a new model for property testing of Boolean functions, called $\textit{relative-error testing}$, which provides a natural framework for testing sparse functions.
This new model defines the distance between two functions $f, g: \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}$ to be $$\textsf{reldist}(f,g) := { \frac{|f^{-1}(1) \triangle g^{-1}(1)|} {|f^{-1}(1)|}}.$$ This is a more demanding distance measure than the usual Hamming distance ${ {|f^{-1}(1) \triangle g^{-1}(1)|}/{2^n}}$ when $|f^{-1}(1)| \ll 2^n$; to compensate for this, algorithms in the new model have access both to a black-box oracle for the function $f$ being tested and to a source of independent uniform satisfying assignments of $f$.
In this paper we first give a few general results about the relative-error testing model; then, as our main technical contribution, we give a detailed study of algorithms and lower bounds for relative-error testing of $\textit{monotone}$ Boolean functions. We give upper and lower bounds which are parameterized by $N=|f^{-1}(1)|$, the sparsity of the function $f$ being tested. Our results show that there are interesting differences between relative-error monotonicity testing of sparse Boolean functions, and monotonicity testing in the standard model. These results motivate further study of the testability of Boolean function properties in the relative-error model.
Computational Complexity,Discrete Mathematics,Data Structures and Algorithms