Iwasawa Theory for Locally Profinite Groups

Tomoki Mihara
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1309.7513
Abstract:We establish duality theory of p-adic unitary Banach representations of locally profinite groups. This is an extension of Iwasawa theory for profinite groups by P. Schneider and J. Teitelbaum. We also establish a criterion for an irreducibility of a unitary representation by certain simpleness of the Iwasawa module dual to it. Through the duality, the continuous induction of a unitary Banach representation of a closed subgroup is interpreted as a certain induction of Iwasawa module. It gives an explicit description of the dual of a continuous parabolic induction on GL_n(Q_p).
Number Theory,Operator Algebras,Representation Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### Problems the paper attempts to solve The paper aims to establish a duality theory between p - adic unitary Banach representations of locally profinite groups and Iwasawa modules. This is an extension of the Iwasawa theory established by P. Schneider and J. Teitelbaum for profinite groups. Specifically, the paper solves the following key problems: 1. **Establishment of the duality theory**: - Extends the Iwasawa theory of Schneider and Teitelbaum on profinite groups to locally profinite groups. - Establishes a duality relationship between unitary Banach representations and Iwasawa modules. 2. **Criterion for irreducibility**: - Proposes a criterion for the irreducibility of unitary representations, that is, the irreducibility of a representation is equivalent to the topological simplicity of its corresponding Iwasawa module. 3. **Interpretation of continuous induction**: - Through the duality theory, interprets the continuous induction of unitary Banach representations of closed subgroups as a certain induction process of Iwasawa modules. - Gives a specific description of continuous parabolic induction on GL_n(Q_p). 4. **Applications**: - Explains how several operations on unitary Banach representations correspond to operations in the integrated compactly - generated locally convex space or the compact Hausdorff flat linear topological module. - Provides a specific calculation of continuous parabolic induction on GL_n(k). ### Key concepts and formulas - **Iwasawa algebra**: For a topological space \(X\), \(k[[X]]\) is defined as \[ k[[X]] := \varprojlim_{P\in P(X)} C_0(P, k) \] where \(P(X)\) is the set of all families of open - and - closed subsets of \(X\), and \(C_0(P, k)\) is the space of bounded continuous functions on \(P\). - **Unitary Banach representation**: Let \(G\) be a locally compact group, \(V\) be a Banach space, and \(\pi: G\times V\rightarrow V\) be a unitary representation, satisfying \[ \|\pi(g, v)\|=\|v\|,\quad \forall g\in G, v\in V. \] - **Dual of Iwasawa module**: Let \(M\) be a \(k[[G]]\)-module, then its dual is \[ M^\vee := \operatorname{Hom}_{k[[G]]}(M, k). \] Through these tools and concepts, the paper successfully establishes a profound connection between p - adic unitary Banach representations of locally compact groups and Iwasawa modules, and provides specific theoretical frameworks and application examples.