Climate in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the First Half 19th Century: The Case of Frederic Chopin

Volodymyr Berezutskyi,Maryna Berezutska
Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin
Abstract:Background The famous Polish composer Frederic Chopin (1810–1849) suffered almost all his short life from pulmonary tuberculosis. Physical treatment and climate therapy are the only aspect of Chopin's disease history that has not yet been thoroughly studied. The etiology of tuberculosis in Chopin's time was not yet known, so physical means and changes in climate in the first half of the 19 th century were the most important part of the physicians' therapeutic arsenal in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Objectives are to study the use of physical methods and climate therapy in the treatment of Frederic Chopin. Methods Scopus, WoS, MedLine, and PubMed data-bases, electronic archives were searched without time restriction for information on the use of physical methods and climate therapy in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in the first half of the 19 th century in Europe. The analysis was also made of Chopin's letters and the work of his most respected biographers in order to identify information about physical therapy in his treatment. Results Chopin's disease had been actively progressing since 1835. According to the proper 19 th -century tuberculosis treatment plan which was set out in the treatises of prominent European physicians, Chopin was treated with physical means: blister plasters, cupping, creosote inhalations, sulfur baths, opium and belladonna plasters. Changing the climate in winter (southern France or Italy) was also a standard recommendation. In October 1838, Chopin, who was still recovering from another seasonal exacerbation of pulmonary tuberculosis, took a trip to Mallorca, where he spent the winter. Conclusions Chopin had the advanced stage of consumption, which was already regarded at that time as a contraindication to climate change. The destination was also unsuitable for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: winter climate of Majorca, characterized by high humidity and strong winds, negatively affected Chopin's health. The disease was manifested by fever, hemoptysis, shortness of breath and exhaustion, which indicated tuberculosis intoxication and destruction of lung tissue. Chopin's trip to Majorca 1838/1839 will forever go down in the history of climate therapy as an example of the negative consequences of ignoring contraindications to climate change. Der Hintergrund Der berühmte polnische Komponist Frédéric Chopin (1810–1849) litt fast sein ganzes kurzes Leben lang an Lungentuberkulose. Physikalische Behandlung und Klimatherapie sind der einzige Aspekt der Krankheitsgeschichte von Chopin, der noch nicht gründlich untersucht wurde. Die Ätiologie der Tuberkulose war zu Chopins Zeiten noch nicht bekannt, daher waren physikalische Maßnahmen und Klimaveränderungen in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts der wichtigste Teil des therapeutischen Arsenals der Ärzte bei der Behandlung von Lungentuberkulose.Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den Einsatz physikalischer Methoden und Klimatherapie bei der Behandlung von Frédéric Chopin zu untersuchen. Die Methoden Die Datenbanken Scopus, WoS, MedLine und PubMed sowie elektronische Archive wurden zeitlich unbegrenzt nach Informationen zum Einsatz physikalischer Methoden und Klimatherapie bei der Behandlung von Lungentuberkulose in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Europa durchsucht. Die Analyse erfolgte auch an Chopins Briefen und der Arbeit seiner angesehensten Biographen, um Informationen über die Physiotherapie in seiner Behandlung zu ermitteln. Die Ergebnisse Seit 1835, schritt Chopins Krankheit voran. Gemäß dem richtigen Behandlungsplan für Tuberkulose aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, der in den Abhandlungen prominenter europäischer Ärzte dargelegt wurde, wurde Chopin mit physikalischen Mitteln behandelt: Blasenpflaster, Schröpfen, Kreosot-Inhalationen, Schwefelbäder, Opium -Abstract Truncated-
rehabilitation,sport sciences
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