Search for $η_c(2S)\to p\bar{p}$ and branching fraction measurements of $χ_{cJ} \to p\bar{p}$ via $ψ(2S)$ radiative decays
BESIII Collaboration,M. Ablikim,M. N. Achasov,P. Adlarson,O. Afedulidis,X. C. Ai,R. Aliberti,A. Amoroso,Y. Bai,O. Bakina,I. Balossino,Y. Ban,H.-R. Bao,V. Batozskaya,K. Begzsuren,N. Berger,M. Berlowski,M. Bertani,D. Bettoni,F. Bianchi,E. Bianco,A. Bortone,I. Boyko,R. A. Briere,A. Brueggemann,H. Cai,X. Cai,A. Calcaterra,G. F. Cao,N. Cao,S. A. Cetin,X. Y. Chai,J. F. Chang,G. R. Che,Y. Z. Che,G. Chelkov,C. Chen,C. H. Chen,Chao Chen,G. Chen,H. S. Chen,H. Y. Chen,M. L. Chen,S. J. Chen,S. L. Chen,S. M. Chen,T. Chen,X. R. Chen,X. T. Chen,Y. B. Chen,Y. Q. Chen,Z. J. Chen,S. K. Choi,G. Cibinetto,F. Cossio,J. J. Cui,H. L. Dai,J. P. Dai,A. Dbeyssi,R. E. de Boer,D. Dedovich,C. Q. Deng,Z. Y. Deng,A. Denig,I. Denysenko,M. Destefanis,F. DeMori,B. Ding,X. X. Ding,Y. Ding,Y. Ding,J. Dong,L. Y. Dong,M. Y. Dong,X. Dong,M. C. Du,S. X. Du,Y. Y. Duan,Z. H. Duan,P. Egorov,G. F. Fan,J. J. Fan,Y. H. Fan,J. Fang,J. Fang,S. S. Fang,W. X. Fang,Y. Q. Fang,R. Farinelli,L. Fava,F. Feldbauer,G. Felici,C. Q. Feng,J. H. Feng,Y. T. Feng,M. Fritsch,C. D. Fu,J. L. Fu,Y. W. Fu,H. Gao,et al. (565 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:Using $(27.12\pm0.14) \times 10^{8}$ $\psi(2S)$ events collected by the BESIII detector operating at BEPCII, we search for the decay $\eta_c(2S)\to p\bar{p}$ via the process $\psi(2S)\to \gamma\eta_c(2S)$, and only find a signal with a significance of $1.7\,\sigma$. The upper limit of the product branching fraction at the 90% confidence level is determined to be $\mathcal{B}(\psi(2S)\to \gamma\eta_c(2S))\times \mathcal{B}(\eta_c(2S)\to p\bar{p})<2.4\times 10^{-7}$. The branching fractions of $\chi_{cJ}\to p\bar{p}~(J=0,1,2)$ are also measured to be $\mathcal{B}(\chi_{c0}\to p\bar{p})=(2.51\pm0.02\pm0.08)\times 10^{-4}$, $\mathcal{B}(\chi_{c1}\to p\bar{p})=(8.16\pm0.09\pm0.25)\times 10^{-4}$, and $\mathcal{B}(\chi_{c2}\to p\bar{p})=(8.33\pm0.09\pm0.22)\times 10^{-4}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic.
High Energy Physics - Experiment