Class size, pupil attentiveness and peer relations

Peter Blatchford,Suzanne Edmonds,Clare Martin
Abstract:Background: Despite a long-running debate over the effects of class size differences on educational performance there is little evidence on the classroom processes that might be involved. Aims: The effects of class size differences are examined in relation to social and behavioural adjustment to school, in terms of two dimensions: attentiveness and peer relations. It was predicted that as class size increased there would be more inattentiveness in class and more signs of social difficulties between children in the form of more rejection, asocial, anxious and aggressive behaviour, and less prosocial behaviour. Samples: Data came from a large-scale longitudinal study of children over KS1 (4-7 years). The observation study was based on a subsample of 235 children in 21 small (average 19 children) and 18 large (average 33 children) reception classes (aged 5 years). The PBR sample involved over 5,000. Methods: There were two complementary methods of data collection: first, a systematic observation study of pre-selected target children in terms of three 'social modes' - when with their teachers, other children and when not interacting - and in terms of work, procedural, social and off-task activities; and, second, a teacher administered Pupil Behaviour Rating (PBR) scale comprising over 50 items rated on a 3-point scale grouped into six 'factors': hyperactive/distractible, aggressive, anxious/ fearful, prosocial, asocial, and excluded. Results: Observations showed that children in large classes were more likely to show off-task behaviour of all kinds, and more likely to interact with their peers in terms of off-task behaviour, social, and also on-task behaviours. Connections between class size and PBR factors were not strong. There was no support for the view that peer relations are better in smaller classes; indeed, there was a slight tendency for worse peer relations, in terms of aggression, asocial and excluded, in the smallest classes. Conclusions: There was confirmation that children in large classes are more distracted from work and more often off task. The unexpected result, based on teacher ratings, that small classes may lead to less social and more aggressive relations between children is discussed, along with implications for teachers of a tendency for more peer-related contacts in large classes.
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