Yingda Cheng,Irene M. Gamba,Philip J. Morrison
Abstract:In this paper we consider Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin (RKDG) schemes for Vlasov-Poisson systems that model collisionless plasmas. One-dimensional systems are emphasized. The RKDG method, originally devised to solve conservation laws, is seen to have excellent conservation properties, be readily designed for arbitrary order of accuracy, and capable of being used with a positivity-preserving limiter that guarantees positivity of the distribution functions. The RKDG solver for the Vlasov equation is the main focus, while the electric field is obtained through the classical representation by Green's function for the Poisson equation. A rigorous study of recurrence of the DG methods is presented by Fourier analysis, and the impact of different polynomial spaces and the positivity-preserving limiters on the quality of the solutions is ascertained. Several benchmark test problems, such as Landau damping, two-stream instability and the KEEN (Kinetic Electrostatic Electron Nonlinear) wave, are given.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the numerical solution of the Vlasov - Poisson system in collisionless plasma modeling, especially how to use the Runge - Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin (RKDG) method to simulate these systems efficiently and accurately. Specifically, the author focuses on the following aspects:
1. **Maintaining physical conserved quantities**: Ensure that the numerical method can well maintain physical conserved quantities such as charge, momentum, and energy.
2. **Design of arbitrary - order accuracy**: Design a numerical method that can achieve arbitrary - order accuracy.
3. **Positivity preservation**: Ensure the non - negativity of the distribution function by using a positivity - preserving limiter.
4. **Study of dispersion phenomena**: Study the dispersion characteristics of the RKDG method through Fourier analysis and evaluate the influence of different polynomial spaces and positivity - preserving limiters on the quality of the solution.
### Specific problem description in the paper
The Vlasov - Poisson system is used to describe the evolution of the probability distribution function \( f(x, v, t) \) of electrons in a collisionless plasma, where \( x \) is the position, \( v \) is the velocity, and \( t \) is the time. This system is given by the following equations:
&\frac{\partial f}{\partial t}+v\cdot\nabla_x f - E\cdot\nabla_v f = 0 \quad \text{in} \quad \Omega\times(0, T], \\
&-\Delta_x\Phi = 1-\int_{\mathbb{R}^n}f \, dv \quad \text{in} \quad \Omega_x\times(0, T], \\
&E = -\nabla_x\Phi \quad \text{in} \quad \Omega_x\times(0, T].
Here, \( \Omega=\Omega_x\times\mathbb{R}^n \), and \( \Omega_x \) can be a bounded region or \( \mathbb{R}^n \). The boundary condition is \( f\rightarrow0 \) as \( |x|\rightarrow\infty \) or \( |v|\rightarrow\infty \).
### Characteristics of the RKDG method
The RKDG method has the following characteristics:
- **Excellent conservation properties**: It can well maintain physical conserved quantities such as charge, momentum, and energy.
- **Arbitrary - order accuracy**: Arbitrary - order accuracy can be achieved by choosing different polynomial spaces.
- **Positivity preservation**: Ensure the non - negativity of the distribution function by using a positivity - preserving limiter.
### Research focus
The focus of the paper is:
- **RKDG solution of the linear Vlasov equation**: Mainly discusses how to solve the Vlasov equation using the RKDG method and solve the Poisson equation by the classical Green function representation method to obtain the electric field.
- **Study of dispersion phenomena**: The dispersion characteristics of the RKDG method are studied through Fourier analysis, and the influence of different polynomial spaces and positivity - preserving limiters on the quality of the solution is evaluated.
- **Benchmark test problems**: Simulate multiple benchmark test problems, such as Landau damping, two - stream instability, and KEEN waves.
Through these studies, the author aims to develop an efficient and accurate numerical method to simulate the Vlasov - Poisson system in collisionless plasma.