Optimal path and minimal spanning trees in random weighted networks
Lidia A Braunstein, Zhenhua Wu, Yiping Chen, Sergey V Buldyrev, Tomer Kalisky, Sameet Sreenivasan, Reuven Cohen, Eduardo López, Shlomo Havlin, H Eugene Stanley
Abstract:We review results on the scaling of the optimal path length ℓopt in random networks with weighted links or nodes. We refer to such networks as "weighted" or "disordered" networks. The optimal path is the path with minimum sum of the weights. In strong disorder, where the maximal weight along the path dominates the sum, we find that ℓopt increases dramatically compared to the known small-world result for the minimum distance ℓmin ~ log N, where N is the number of nodes. For Erdős–Rényi (ER) networks ℓopt ~ N1/3, while for scale free (SF) networks, with degree distribution P(k) ~ k-λ, we find that ℓopt scales as N(λ - 3)/(λ - 1) for 3 < λ < 4 and as N1/3 for λ ≥ 4. Thus, for these networks, the small-world nature is destroyed. For 2 < λ < 3 in contrary, our numerical results suggest that ℓopt scales as lnλ-1 N, representing still a small world. We also find numerically that for weak disorder ℓopt ~ ln N for ER models as well as for …