Limit theorems for the maximal path weight in a directed graph on the line with random weights of edges
S. Foss,T. Konstantopoulos,A. Logachev,A. Mogulski
Abstract:We consider the infinite directed graph with vertices the set of integers ...,-2,-1,0,1,2,... . Let v be a random variable taking either finite values or value "minus infinity". Consider random weights v(j,k), indexed by pairs (j,k) of integers with j<k, and assume that they are i.i.d. copies of v. The set of edges of the graph is the set (j,k), j<k. A path in the graph from vertex j to vertex k, j<k, is a finite sequence of edges (j(0), j(1)), (j(1), j(2)), ..., (j(m-1), j(m)) with j(0)=j and j(m)=j; the weight of this path is taken to be the sum v(j(0),j(1))+v(j(1),j(2))+...+v(j(m-1),j(m)) of the weights of its edges. Let w(0,n) be the maximal weight of all paths from 0 to n. We study the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence w(0,n), n=1, 2, ..., as n tends to infinity, under the assumptions that P(v>0)>0, the conditional distribution of v, given v>0, is not degenerate, and that E exp(Cv) is finite, for some C>0. We derive local limit theorems in the normal and moderate large deviations regimes in the case where v has an arithmetic distribution. We also derive an integro-local theorem in the case where v has a non-lattice distribution.