Nevis Synchrocyclotron Conversion Program - RF System

R. Schneider,J. Rainwater,P. Yen
Abstract:The for the revised Nevis Synchrocylotron magnet will increase from 18 kG at the center to 20 kG at 80 in. radius. This gives 27.48 MHz at injection, and 19.23 MHz for extraction (550 MeV, 76 in. radius). The resonator will be tuned so that fmin = fextraction including a slow RF turnoff where df/dt ? 0 for adiabatic energy damping. The peak dee voltage ? 30 kV with the maximum near injection. The repetition rate will be 300 Hz with < 50% RF duty factor. The single dee and dee stem structure will be ~ 150 in. wide and 163 in. long. One of the three pairs of sector-iron shims is to be incorporated into the dee and the assembly supported on cooled alumina structural insulators. The resonator frequency is varied by two rotating capacitors located at the end of the dee stem, which is split outside the magnet circle. Excitation of the resonator will be provided by a grounded-grid, triode oscillator having the anode and cathode coupled to the resonator via coupling loops and transmission lines of proper length and impedance. A series tube modulator will permit the slow linear RF turnoff needed for adiabatic energy damping of the phase oscillations before extraction.
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