Storage and Retrieval of a Microwave Field in a Spin Ensemble

Y. Kubo,I. Diniz,A. Dewes,V. Jacques,A. Dreau,J.-F. Roch,A. Auffeves,D. Vion,D. Esteve,P. Bertet
Abstract:We report the storage and retrieval of a small microwave field from a superconducting resonator into collective excitations of a spin ensemble. The spins are nitrogen-vacancy centers in a diamond crystal. The storage time of the order of 30 ns is limited by inhomogeneous broadening of the spin ensemble.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Quantum Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
This paper aims to solve the problem of how to store and retrieve microwave fields in spin ensembles. Specifically, this goal is achieved through the interaction between superconducting resonators and negatively - charged nitrogen - vacancy centers (NV centers) in diamond crystals. The following are the specific problems that this research attempts to solve: 1. **Improve quantum information processing capabilities**: - Superconducting qubits are promising candidates for quantum information processing, but their coherence times cannot be compared with those of microscopic systems such as atoms, electrons, or nuclear spins. - To solve this problem, a hybrid quantum circuit architecture has been proposed, in which the microscopic system is used as a quantum memory for superconducting qubits. 2. **Achieve strong coupling**: - The coupling between a single atom or spin and a superconducting circuit is usually too weak, while the coupling constant of an ensemble composed of \( N \) such systems is enhanced to \( \sqrt{N} \), so that the strong coupling regime required for quantum information applications can be reached. - The paper shows that for the first time through experiments, the coherent storage and retrieval of a classical microwave field (about 100 photons) from a superconducting resonator to a spin ensemble has been measured in the time domain, which is an important step towards a spin - based hybrid quantum circuit architecture. 3. **Overcome the limitation of inhomogeneous broadening**: - The storage time is about 30 nanoseconds, which is limited by the inhomogeneous broadening of the spin ensemble. - Research shows that this rapid decay is caused by the inhomogeneous broadening of the spin ensemble, which becomes the main obstacle to the successful implementation of a hybrid quantum circuit based on spin ensembles. ### Formula Explanation - **Coupling constant enhancement**: \[ g_{\text{ens}}=\sqrt{\sum |g_j|^2} \] where \( g_j \) is the coupling constant between the \( j \) - th spin and the resonator. - **Effective Hamiltonian**: \[ H / \hbar=\omega_r(\Phi)a^\dagger a+\sum \omega_j b_j^\dagger b_j+\sum i g_j(b_j^\dagger a - b_j a^\dagger) \] - **Calculation of Rabi oscillation**: \[ \alpha(t)=x_G^\dagger\cdot X(t)=\mathcal{L}^{-1}[t_1(s)] \] where, \[ t_1(s)=x_G^\dagger\cdot(s + iH_{\text{eff}}/\hbar)^{-1}\cdot x_G \] and \[ W(\omega)=g_{\text{ens}}^2\int\frac{\rho(\omega')d\omega'}{\omega - \omega'+i\gamma_0/2} \] Through these formulas and experimental results, the authors show how to achieve the storage and retrieval of microwave fields between superconducting resonators and spin ensembles, and explore the influence of inhomogeneous broadening on system performance.