Abstract:We study arithmetic inequalities for multiplicative, sub(super)-multiplicative, sub(super)-homogeneous functions. Applications for the classical arithmetic functions are pointed out.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study and analyze the properties of several important arithmetic functions, especially their performance in terms of inequalities. Specifically, the author focuses on the properties of multiplicative arithmetic functions and their related sub - multiplicative, super - multiplicative, sub - homogeneous and super - homogeneous functions.
### Main problems
1. **Definition and classification**:
- The author defines several different types of arithmetic functions and explores the relationships between them. For example, for an arithmetic function \( f \), if it satisfies:
- **Multiplicativity**: \( f(mn)=f(m)f(n) \) for all relatively prime \( m, n \).
- **Sub - multiplicativity**: \( f(mn)\leq f(m)f(n) \) for all \( m, n\geq1 \).
- **Super - multiplicativity**: \( f(mn)\geq f(m)f(n) \) for all \( m, n\geq1 \).
- **Sub - homogeneity**: \( f(mn)\leq mf(n) \) for all \( m, n\geq1 \).
- **Super - homogeneity**: \( f(mn)\geq mf(n) \) for all \( m, n\geq1 \).
2. **Generalization to higher - order properties**:
- The author further defines higher - order sub - multiplicativity and sub - homogeneity. For example, for positive integers \( k\geq2 \):
- **k - sub - multiplicativity**: \((f(mn))^{k}\leq f(m^{k})f(n^{k}) \) for all \( m, n\geq1 \).
- **k - sub - homogeneity**: \((f(mn))^{k}\leq m^{k}f(n^{k}) \) for all \( m, n\geq1 \).
3. **Applications and proofs**:
- The author proves the properties of these functions under different conditions through a series of theorems and corollaries, and gives specific examples to illustrate the applications of these properties. For example:
- Theorem 1: The product of two non - negative sub - multiplicative (or super - multiplicative) functions is still a sub - multiplicative (or super - multiplicative) function.
- Theorem 2: If a non - negative sub - multiplicative (or super - multiplicative) function \( f \) satisfies \( f(n)\leq n \) (or \( f(n)\geq n \)), then \( f \) is a sub - homogeneous (or super - homogeneous) function.
- Theorem 3: If a non - negative sub - multiplicative (or super - multiplicative) and sub - homogeneous (or super - homogeneous) function \( f \), then \( f \) is a \( k \)-sub - homogeneous (or \( k \)-sub - multiplicative) function for any \( k\geq2 \).
### Summary
The main purpose of this paper is to systematically study and classify different types of arithmetic functions, especially their properties in terms of inequalities. By introducing new concepts and proving related theorems, the author provides a theoretical basis for understanding the properties of these functions and provides tools and methods for further research.