The Comprehensive Archive of Substellar and Planetary Accretion Rates
S. K. Betti,K. B. Follette,K. Ward-Duong,A. E. Peck,Y. Aoyama,J. Bary,B. Dacus,S. Edwards,G.-D. Marleau,K. Mohamed,J. Palmo,C. Plunkett,C. Robinson,H. Wang
Abstract:Accretion rates ($\dot{M}$) of young stars show a strong correlation with object mass ($M$); however, extension of the $\dot{M}-M$ relation into the substellar regime is less certain. Here, we present the Comprehensive Archive of Substellar and Planetary Accretion Rates (CASPAR), the largest to-date compilation of substellar accretion diagnostics. CASPAR includes: 658 stars, 130 brown dwarfs, and 10 bound planetary mass companions. In this work, we investigate the contribution of methodological systematics to scatter in the $\dot{M}-M$ relation, and compare brown dwarfs to stars. In our analysis, we rederive all quantities using self-consistent models, distances, and empirical line flux to accretion luminosity scaling relations to reduce methodological systematics. This treatment decreases the original $1\sigma$ scatter in the $\log \dot{M}-\log M$ relation by $\sim17$%, suggesting that it makes only a small contribution to the dispersion. CASPAR rederived values are best fit by $\dot{M}\propto M^{2.02\pm0.06}$ from 10~$M_\mathrm{J}$ to 2~$M_\odot$, confirming previous results. However, we argue that the brown dwarf and stellar populations are better described separately and by accounting for both mass and age. Therefore, we derive separate age-dependent $\dot{M}-M$ relations for these regions, and find a steepening in the brown dwarf $\dot{M}-M$ slope with age. Within this mass regime, the scatter decreases from 1.36 dex to 0.94 dex, a change of $\sim$44%. This result highlights the significant role that evolution plays in the overall spread of accretion rates, and suggests that brown dwarfs evolve faster than stars, potentially as a result of different accretion mechanisms.
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics,Earth and Planetary Astrophysics,Astrophysics of Galaxies