Epstein Surfaces, $W$-Volume, and the Osgood-Stowe Differential
Martin Bridgeman,Kenneth Bromberg
Abstract:In a seminal paper, Epstein introduced the theory of what are now called Epstein surfaces, which construct surfaces in $\mathbb{H}^3$ associated to a conformal metric on a domain in $\hat{\mathbb{C}}$. More recently, these surfaces have been used by Krasnov-Schlenker to define the W-volume and renormalized volume associated with a convex co-compact hyperbolic 3-manifold. In this paper we consider Epstein surfaces, W-volume and renormalized volume in two main parts. In the first, we develop an alternate construction of Epstein surfaces using the Osgood-Stowe differential, a generalization of the Schwarzian derivative. Krasnov-Schlenker showed that the metric and shape operator of a surface in hyperbolic space is naturally dual to a conformal metric and shape operator on a projective structure via the hyperbolic Gauss map. We show that this projective shape operator can be derived from the Osgood-Stowe differential. This approach allows us to give a comprehensive and self-contained development of Epstein surfaces, W-volume, and renormalized volume. In the second part, we use the theory developed in the first to prove a number of new results including a generalization of Epstein's univalence criterion, a variational formula for W-volume in terms of the Osgood-Stowe differential, and a use of W-volume to relate the length of the bending lamination of the convex core to the norm of the Schwarzian derivative of the associated univalent map on the conformal boundary.
Differential Geometry,Geometric Topology