[Parameters of energy metabolism in patients after vascular reconstructive surgical procedures]

I Pechan,M Holoman,R Zahorec,V Rendekova,T Kalnovicova,J Hola,L Halcak
Abstract:Revascularization surgery in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease presents an acceptable clinical model for studying the rate of ischaemia-reperfusion injury of cells and other structures of skeletal muscle of the affected extremity. Validity of carefully chosen set of biochemical parameters for determination of this injury during and after surgery as well as in the early and late reperfusion periods and during the readaptation to situation after restoration of blood circulation was verified. Blood samples were taken from the regional common femoral vein which allowed to obtain information directly from the ischaemized extremity. Analyzed biochemical parameters have given useful information about the situation in acid-base regulation, in energy metabolism as well as antioxidant capacity. These parameters were estimated in four time intervals: before aorta cross-clamping (preischaemic phase), then 30 min (early reperfusion) and 18 hours (readaptation period) after aorta-declamping. In the early reperfusion period a marked acidosis and raised carbon dioxide tension, significant increase of lactate and pyruvate levels as well as increased hypoxanthine plasma level were observed. On the contrary, in this period the lowest lipoperoxide level was found, evident in the wake of relative stability of concentration of endogenous antioxidants documented by a constant glutathione redox status that at the first postoperative day even significantly decreased as a consequence of a drop of oxidized and increased of reduced form of glutathione. Therefore, the applied biochemical parameters allow to monitor the ischaemia-reperfusion damage of afflicted region and could be used even in the study of compounds with a protective effect against possible injury of ischaemized and reoxygenized tissues. (Tab. 3, Fig. 4, Ref. 32.)
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