Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Grade 11 Students in General Mathematics in Tabuk City District
Mihael Miller C. Picat
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55248/gengpi.2023.4129
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews
Abstract:The study determined the factors perceived as affecting the academic performance in General Mathematics during the first semester, S.Y. 2022-2023 of the 156 Grade 11 students at the four public senior high schools in Tabuk City district. The study made use of the descriptive correlational research design with the questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering the data needed. The data gathered were coded, tabulated, and analyzed using the Statistics Program for Social Sciences (SPSS). Mean and percentage distribution were used to determine the profile of the respondents and the factors perceived to influence their performance in General Mathematics. Data were interpreted using the Likert’s scale. The relationship between the respondents’ profile and the factors perceived to influence their performance in mathematics were tested by Pearson’s Moment Correlation and ChiSquare test of independence. Of the 156 respondents, most are 17 years old with a mean age of 17.20. the Grade 11 students in Luna district are mostly females. 27.56 percent are enrolled in HUMSS, 26.92 percent in STEM, 19.23 percent in ABM, 17.95 percent in Tour Guiding/Travel Services, and 8.33 percent in Housekeeping. 96.15 percent of the respondents came from public junior high school. Most of the respondents are Ilocano with a percentage of 88.46. Most of their parents graduated in college with an average of 25.00 percent for the father and 26.92 percent for the mother. 35.00 percent of family’s monthly income ranges from ₱5,000 and below. The Grade 11 students’ extent of performance is ‘average.’ Specifically, attitude towards General Mathematics, study habit, family’s proper guidance, and class schedule as perceived by the student-respondents are ‘moderately favorable.’ Family’s support, class size, teacher’s competency, teaching strategy and mastery of the subject matter, use of instructional materials in teaching, and teacher’s attitude and working relationship are ‘favorable’ to the students’ academic performance. Peer factor indicators are perceived to be ‘influencing,’ learning materials and facilities at home are adequate, and school facilities, equipment, and/or building are ‘very adequate.’ The Grade 11 students in Tabuk City district have ‘satisfactory’ performance as evaluated through the Grading Sheet. Their age and track/strand are significantly related to their academic performance. Finally, school-related factor in terms of class size and peer factor/influence are significantly related to the students’ academic performance