Effectiveness Of Planned Teaching Programme On Preventive Measures Of Cataract Among Adults In Selected Urban Community, Mangalore

Edweena Philip Monis,Dr.Mrs. Edweena Philip Monis
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9790/1959-1305052934
IOSR Journal of Nursing and health Science
Abstract:A cataract is the clouding of the lens in the eye affecting vision. Early in the development of age-related cataract the power of the lens may be increased, causing near-sightedness (myopia), and the gradual yellowing and opacification of the lens may reduce the perception of blue colours. Most cataracts are related to aging. Exposure to sunlight may be associated with an increased risk of cataract. Vitamin supplements have shown varying results in delaying the progression of cataract. Globally, there are nearly 45 million blind people. Almost 135 million people are with low vision. A total of nearly 180 million people have some degree of visual disability. Nine of the ten who are blind live in the developing countries. On the current projections, there could be estimated 50 million blind people due to cataract by 202016. Prevalence of cataract in USA is approximately 5.5 million or 2.02%. India is one of the countries that have a sizeable number of visually impaired people17 . The annual incidence of cataract blindness in India is about 3.8 million. Statistics reveal that over 12 million people in the country are visually handicapped. Out of 41.8% of global blindness, 23.5% is contributed by India. Major proportion of total blindness in India (81%) is constituted by cataract18 . In Karnataka prevalence of cataract blindness among the men above the age of fifty is 3.39% and women is 6.51%, in Dakshina Kannada district it is 1.27% for men and 7.65% for women19 . Hence the researcher felt the need to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on preventive measures of cataract in a selected urban community, Mangalore. Objectives: The purpose of this study was • to determine the level of knowledge on preventive measures of cataract among adults as measured by a structured closed-ended knowledge questionnaire • to determine the effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on preventive measures of cataract among adults • to find the association between the pre-test knowledge scores with selected demographic variables. Research approach and design: A pre-experimental research design of one group pre- and post-test with an evaluative approach was used for this study. Setting: The study was conducted in Jeppu urban community area of Mangalore. Subjects: Adults in the age group of 30-55 years in the selected urban areas of Mangalore Sample size and Sampling technique: The sample for the present study comprised 100 adults in the age group of 30-55 years who met the inclusion criteria The investigator purposely selected the adults who were judged to be a typical population who needs the knowledge related to cataract. Planned teaching programme The planned teaching programme on “preventive measures of cataract.” was developed after an exhaustive review. The content the planned teaching programme included • Introduction • Definition • Eye and lens • Functions of eye • Definition of cataract • Incidence of cataract • Etiological risk factors of cataract • Classification of cataract • Sites of cataract • Clinical manifestations of cataract • Diagnostic measures of cataract • Preventive measures of cataract • Therapeutic regimen in case of diabetes and hypertension • Demonstrate the eye exercises • Conclusion Instrument used: Structured closed-ended knowledge questionnaire on preventive measures of cataract among adults. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics Major findings and reports: Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Pre-test assessment revealed that highest percentage (49%) of adults had poor knowledge, 43% had average knowledge, and only 8% had good knowledge. The post-test revealed that 98% had gained very good knowledge, 2% of them gained good knowledge. The total mean percentage of pre-test knowledge score was 43.58% (mean 10.46 ± 3.22) and the mean percentage post-test knowledge score was 92.25% (mean 22.14 ± 1.38) showing an effectiveness of 48.62% (mean 11.68± 2.89). Significance of difference between pre-test and post-test was statistically tested by using paired ‘t’ test and it was found very highly significant (t=40.10, p<0.05). The pretest knowledge score showed association between the pre-test knowledge and previous source of information regarding prevention of cataract but there was no association between pre-test knowledge and age, gender, educational status, occupation and family history of cataract. Conclusion: The findings of the study reveal that adults had inadequate knowledge on preventive measures of cataract; however the knowledge has significantly improved after the Planned Teaching Programme. Hence, it is concluded that PTP was highly effective in improving the knowledge of the adults regarding the preventive measures of cataract.
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