About the specificity of the impact of communicative technological innovations on political processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Farkhad Kassenov,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48010/2021.2/1999-5849.10
Adam alemi
Abstract:A complex of various technological innovations, which, first of all, have information and communication content, among which it is necessary to mention news and analytical Internet portals, messengers like Whatsapp, hybrid and convergent media tools such as Telegram and Facebook, video hosting and editing services (Youtube and TikTok), streaming platforms, and numerous other technological solutions have a great impact on political processes in Central Asia, transforming them and reformatting them. Their influence is most pronounced in Kazakhstan, for a number of reasons, among which a higher standard of living of the population and, accordingly, the paying capacity of the audience, the depth of Internet penetration, the development of the communication sphere, etc. In this regard, the situation in Kazakhstan presented to be largely as a model for the entire region of Central Asia. The impact of communicative technological innovations in the Republic of Kazakhstan is manifested through the intensification of socio-political processes, the restructuring of society, through the emergence of new groups of influence, as well as the creation of dialogue and discussion platforms, often of an informal plan, which contribute both to the unification and differentiation of the social organism. This gives rise to various dilemmas in the choice of state approaches to the use of communicative technological innovations, which is expressed both in encouraging the development of the information and communication sphere, and in attempts to limit civic activity if it goes through the channels of new means of communication. The author suggests that in the coming years, the impact of communicative technological innovations on political processes in Kazakhstan will be under the sign of the two indicated contradictory tendencies (striving for freedom and control), especially considering the neighborhood with the two powers, China and the Russian Federation, with their predominantly repressive logic of interaction state with society.