Integrated ECOD-KNN Algorithm for Missing Values Imputation in Datasets: Outlier Removal

Tsitsi Jester Mugejo,Weston Govere
Abstract:Missing data cause the incompleteness of data sets and can lead to poor performance of models which also can result in poor decisions, despite using the best handling methods. When there is a presence of outliers in the data, using KNN algorithm for missing values imputation produce less accurate results. Outliers are anomalies from the observations and removing outliers is one of the most important pre-processing step in all data analysis models. KNN algorithms are able to adapt to missing value imputation even though they are sensitive to outliers, which might end up affecting the quality of the imputation results. KNN is mainly used among other machine learning algorithms because it is simple to implement and have a relatively high accuracy. In the literature, various studies have explored the application of KNN in different domains, however failing to address the issue of how sensitive it is to outliers. In the proposed model, outliers are identified using a combination of the Empirical- Cumulative-distribution-based Outlier Detection (ECOD), Local Outlier Factor (LOF) and isolation forest (IForest). The outliers are substituted using the median of the non- outlier data and the imputation of missing values is done using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm. For the evaluation of the model, different metrics were used such as the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), (MSE), R2 squared (R2 ) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). It clearly indicated that dealing with outliers first before imputing missing values produces better imputation results than just using the traditional KNN technique which is sensitive to outliers.
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