Critical Success Factors for Deployment of Primary Health Care Networks and their Impact in Kenya
Yvonne Opanga,Saida Kassim,Gilbert Wangalwa,Aloise Gikunda,Emmanuel Musombi,Anne Gitimu,Isaac Ntwiga,Meshack Ndirangu
East African Journal of Health and Science
Abstract:The Government of Kenya through the Bottom-up Economic Transformational Agenda (BETA) acknowledges Primary Health Care (PHC) as a cost-effective and efficient means to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The aim is to enhance equitable access to high-quality and affordable healthcare for all Kenyan citizens. Primary Health Care Networks (PCNs) are gaining traction as the main mode of achieving PHC in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, and Kenya is no exception. In Kenya, PCNs approach seeks to empower local communities at subcounty level through mobilizing resources and strengthening their decision-making authority to address context specific healthcare needs. The investment in PCNs is geared towards advancing equitable access to quality healthcare at the community level, mitigating fragmentation of health care services, strengthening preventive and promotive healthcare hence creating a more resilient and efficient healthcare system. The Ministry of Health in Kenya, in collaboration with County Governments and Development partners, initiated a Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) to deploy PCNs across the country in August, 2023. The goal was to establish 315 Primary Health Care Networks (PCN) across the 47 counties in Kenya. This was preceded by a Pilot phase in 3 Counties (Kisumu, Garissa, and Kwale) which was conducted in 2021. The pilot phase informed cost-effective approaches for the deployment and critical success factors for scale-up of PCNs countrywide. The nationwide deployment of PCNs followed a 10-step process of establishing PCNs as stipulated in Kenya PHC Guidelines. Data on experiences, progress in implementation and lessons learnt was abstracted from grey literature including reports from PCN establishment at County level, Stakeholder meetings through Accelerator and Sustainability taskforce and data from PCN observatory. The average time taken to establish a PCN was 3 weeks and costed approximately USD 34,000 for its full establishment. As at 20th December, 2023 (within 4 months of initiating the RRI), of the target of 315 PCNs, 93(30%) PCNs were fully established, 27(9%) PCNs were in progress and 195(62%) yet to start. Out of the 47 counties, 37(79%) counties have at least a fully established PCN, 4 Counties are in the process of establishing the first PCN and 6 are awaiting partner readiness. The eight main critical success factors for successful establishment included: County ownership and commitment, availability of Key Policy guidelines and strategies for reference, funding from development partners and donors, leveraging on existing National and County governance structures, multisectoral collaborations and partnerships, tracking of PCN establishment through National PCN observatory and Community engagement. Key process enablers to successful role out included: Meaningful engagement of development and implementing partners, Execution through County trained TOTs, Community engagement through Community Health Workforce and support from National Government. Over time, the Established PCNs in 3 pilot counties have demonstrated significant reduction in facility based maternal mortality, increased access to NCD screening services, coordinated health care workers through MDTs and improved forward and backward referrals. Additionally, incorporated innovation models within PCNs have improved access to medical supplies and specialized healthcare services at level 2 and 3 facilities. To achieve successful scale up of PCNs and sustainability for impact it is critical to contextualize PCNs to the County needs, establish sustainable primary health care financing mechanism for PCN activities, Strengthen PCN governance structures and utilise PCN observatory to continuously track PCN performance measurements and decision making. Adoption of a unified focus on PCN performance improvement including one PCN strategy, one action plan on how to optimally implement PCNs and one monitoring framework is critical. If implemented successfully, PCNs will contribute to long term social return on investments and improved health indicators for the Country