Application of a Person-Oriented Approach in the Process of Developing Motivation for Physical Education

Z.V. Kuznetsova,L.P. Fedosova,G.V. Fedotova
Physical Culture Sport Tourism Motor Recreation
Abstract:The article discusses the use of a person-oriented approach in the process of developing motivation for physical education and sports in universities. Algorithms for forming such a program are proposed based on assessing the satisfaction of students, their personality type and level of physical fi tness. Relevance. In the modern world, it is necessary to pay great attention to the individual’s personality in the educational process. One of these ways is the use of a person-oriented ap-proach to physical education and sports. Problem, goal, tasks. The problem is the low motivation of university students to engage in physical education and sports, which is highlighted by many authors who have studied this issue [5]. A solu-tion to the problem may be to achieve the research goal of this work — the use of a new algorithm of a person-centered approach and evaluation of its eff ectiveness using various methods to identify ways to increase motivation for classes. Research materials and methods. During the study, a person-centered training program was used according to the al-gorithm we proposed — using 4 principles and new lesson content. The research methods were: 1) a survey to identify the type of temperament according to B. N. Smirnov [1. P. 344]; 2) assessment of student satisfaction; 3) assessment of the level of physical fi tness according to 5 standards: running 30 m, 3 km, shuttle run 4×9, pull-ups, bending from a sit-ting position. Results and discussion. The use of a personality-oriented program according to a new algorithm turned out to be eff ective in increasing students’ motivation to engage in physical education and sports, which has been proven by research. The results of the scoring of satisfaction with classes indicate that the algorithm we developed on average increases student satisfaction by 3.9 points by the end of the academic year. Thanks to this, students become motivated and, accordingly, regular in their studies, and as a result, their physical fi tness indicators signifi cantly improve. Results and conclusion. The use of a person-oriented approach when practicing physical culture and sports in universities helps to take into account the characteristics and needs of students, thereby increasing their motivation, satisfaction with classes and, as a result, harmoniously developing not only their physical, but also personal qualities.
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