Integration of character education based on local culture through online learning in Madras Ahaliyah
AR Muhammad,Suhaimi Suhaimi,Teuku Zulfikar,Sulaiman Sulaiman,Masrizal Masrizal
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences
Abstract:The focus of this article's discussion is related to the integration of character education based on local culture at Madrasah Aliyah (Senior High School) in Aceh. The participants were determined purposively, and they were six Madrasah principals, and 50 teachers served at Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic secondary school ) throughout Aceh. The data were analyzed following the procedures of qualitative research. The results of the study suggest that the integration of character education based on local Acehnese culture was carried out through integration in learning, the preparation of a Characteristic Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) module, the role of the teacher as a role model, and the development of pesantren (boarding school) culture. The integration of character education based on local wisdom at Madrasah Aliyah in Aceh has implications for student character development, such as religion, integrity, critical thinking, independence, participating in social activities, and responsibility. Furthermore, the implementation of character education in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out through a distance-learning system (online). However, the use of this system still faces technical problems, but as a whole, it can be implemented effectively.
Keywords: Character building, Integration, Online Learning, Covid-19