Knowledge on Selected factors of Global Warming and its impact on health among Urban Residents of Bengaluru South
Laishram Dabashini Devi
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Abstract:Introduction: Global warming is one, which affected large portion of the general public health, it can be preventable. WHO says that youths, children’s and also the old age peoples are at risk for Global warming and its health impacts. As studies shown that causes for Global warming found more in urban area. Education plays a vital role in development of the human potential, through which we can achieve control and prevention of Global warming. It is the responsibility of each individual to take care of their health for which they should have adequate knowledge. Educating the urban people regarding prevention of Global warming plays a vital role in improving their knowledge level in preventing the Global warming. So, this study is intended to assess the knowledge of residents regarding Global warming and its prevention with a view to develop information booklet. The objectives are to assess knowledge and associate them with selected demographic variables, develop and provide an information booklet regarding Global warming and its prevention among residents. Methods: Research approach was used is descriptive approach which is an non-experimental design. The target population for the study were selected from Bangarappa Nagar area,PHC, Bengaluru South. This population was selected by convenient sampling technique. The total samples under the study were 200 residents (male and female). The data was collected by structured questionnaire schedule which was designed to assess the knowledge of residents regarding Global warming and it’s prevention. The results were described by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The major findings of the study show that most (57.5%) of the respondents were in the age group of 20-30 years, followed by 28.5% in the age group of 30-40 years and 14% in the age group above 40 years. Majority (61%) of the respondents were males as compared to 39% of male respondents. Majority (41.5%) of the respondents had studied till lower secondary, followed by 18.5 % had completed primary school, 14% had done other type of education like ITI, Diploma, 10% were graduated,8.5% had done PUC and 7.5 had done higher secondary school. Majority (41.5%) of the respondents were private employee followed by 17% were government employee, 15.5% were having self employment,10.5 were having their own business, 8.5% were working in agriculture field and 7% of the respondents were working as kooli Majority (53%) of the respondents were married and (47%) of the respondents were unmarried. Majority (75%) of the respondents belonged to nuclear family, and 25% of the respondent belongs to joint family indicating the existence of joint families in the community. Majority (39.5%) of the respondents had family monthly income between Rs.1000- 5000, followed by 34.5% had Rs.5001- 10000,followed by 19% had 10001-15000 and 7% had income above 15000. The respondent’s mean knowledge score was 67.4 % in the aspect of general, meaning and causes, 41.5% in prevention aspect, 38.9% in impact on health, Among the demographic variables analyzed in the study, education found to have significant association with knowledge scores. And there was no significant association found between, marital status, per capita income, occupational status, type of family. Conclusion: The overall findings of the study clearly showed that the residents had moderate knowledge score (67.0%). It reveals that, if the residents are provided with some sort of educational interventions such as information booklets, modules on Global warming and it’s prevention will definitely brief up their knowledge, which in turn contributes to improve the total quality of one’s health.