Usage of Cloud Computing Simulators and Future Systems For Computational Research
Ramkumar Lakshminarayanan,Rajasekar Ramalingam
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
Abstract:Cloud Computing is an Internet based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information, are provided to computers and devices on demand, like the electricity grid. Currently, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) are used as a business model for Cloud Computing. Nowadays, the adoption and deployment of Cloud Computing is increasing in various domains, forcing researchers to conduct research in the area of Cloud Computing globally. Setting up the research environment is critical for the researchers in the developing countries to evaluate the research outputs. Currently, modeling, simulation technology and access of resources from various university data centers has become a useful and powerful tool in cloud computing research. Several cloud simulators have been specifically developed by various universities to carry out Cloud Computing research, including CloudSim, SPECI, Green Cloud and Future Systems (the Indiana University machines India, Bravo, Delta, Echo and Foxtrot) supports leading edge data science research and a broad range of computing-enabled education as well as integration of ideas from cloud and HPC systems. In this paper, the features, suitability, adaptability and the learning curve of the existing Cloud Computing simulators and Future Systems are reviewed and analyzed.