Identifying the motivation of older people to engage in various types of physical activity

Олександр Скалій,Катерина Мулик,Олександр Горбенко,Тетяна Скалій,Наталія Абдула,,Alexander Skaliy,Oleksandr Horbenko,,Kateryna Mulyk,,Tetiana Skaliy,,Natalia Abdula,
Abstract:Physical activity has a very important impact on the well-being and health of older people. Regular physical exercise improves quality of life, reduces the risk of various diseases and slows down the aging process. The article is devoted to the motivation of older people to engage in physical activity. The purposeof the study is to determine the motivation for engaging in various types of physical activity among elderly people in Ukraine and Poland. Methods. The study used theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical, sociological research methods and methods of mathematical statistics. The study was conducted at the Institute of Sports and Physical Culture of the University of Economics in Bydgoszcz (Poland) and the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture (Ukraine). The experiment involved 120 (30 men and 30 women from Ukraine and Poland) elderly people (average age 66.12 ± 2.98 years). Results. As a result of the analysis of a survey of older people, the advantages in choosing various types of physical activity for men and women living in Poland and Ukraine were revealed. In the course of studying the motivation for physical activity among older people, it was revealed that the main motives are improving health, communicating with friends and maintaining physical fitness. Conclusions. It has been established that in Poland the most common types of physical activity among older people are swimming, Nordic walking, health tourism and cycling; in Ukraine, preference is given to the same types of physical activity other than cycling, which is due to the insufficiently developed infrastructure and technical support in Ukraine. The motives for engaging in physical activity among older people have been determined. Thus, the priorities turned out to be health-improving, recreational, communicative and preventive.
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