Component professional qualifications of physical education teachers in China

Сергій Трачук,Марина Дєдух,Марія Бричук,Оксана Іванік,Валентина Єфанова,Енчень Ван,,Sergii Trachuk,Maryna Diedukh,,Mariia Brychuk,,Oksana Ivanik,,Valentina Epfanova,,Enchen Wang,
Abstract:The process of forming a specialist of a qualitatively new level is significantly restrained by the existing gap between the achievements of science and education, therefore the coefficient of useful use of scientific discoveries and new technologies is sharply reduced, fundamental knowledge is displaced from the content of educational processes by applied knowledge. An important type of professional activity is pedagogical, the specialty of which is a special psychological and pedagogical influence on students, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, on interests, inclinations, expectations, enthusiasm; the specificity of such activity consists in the pedagogical management of the process of personality formation and development. The purpose of the study is to determine the components of the professional qualification of physical education teachers in China. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from literary sources, sociological research methods (school health profiles lead physical education teacher questionnaire), mathematical statistics methods. Results. 50 Chinese physical education teachers (27 women and 23 men) took part in the study. The experiment was conducted at the Beijing School of Foreign Languages on the basis of the University of Foreign Languages (Beijing), Haidian Experimental School (Beijing), Tsinghua University High School (Beijing), Qingdao Yucai High School (Shandong-Qingdao Province). It was established that for professional growth and professional development, 50% of teachers note the need to expand the knowledge base on interventions involving children in activities with moderate and high-intensity organized motor activity; technologies aimed at the development of individual motor activity programs are of interest to 36% of the surveyed teachers; 26% of physical education teachers want to deepen their knowledge with the latest technologies for the formation of applied motor skills and skills in various sports activities. Conclusions. Therefore, the professional competence of the teacher is manifested in the set of professional knowledge, abilities and skills that reflect theoretical, practical and methodical preparation, the ability to their creative implementation in various social situations of practical professional activity in the field of physical education.
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