Masalah dalam Terjemahan Majāz Mursal al-Quran: Analisis Terhadap Hubungan Ĩtibār mā sayakūn

Noor Maizaitun Zainuddin,Nasimah Hj. Abdullah,Saifulah Samsudin
e-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi
Abstract:Majāz mursal is one of al-Majāz's styles in Arabic rhetoric sciences. It contains an implicit or implied meaning that is not explicitly stated. The literal approach will lead to the loss of the implicit meaning in majāz mursal. Therefore, this study aims to compare the approach used by several translation texts in the translation of synecdoche in Quranic discourse specific to the relationship of the event that will occur (ĩtibār mā sayakūn) to see the equivalence of the actual meaning found in the Quran with the target text. This study is qualitative library research for adopting content analysis methods and purposive sampling techniques. This study's primary data source was collected from al-Burhān fĩ 'Ulum al-Quran. Four translation texts of the Quran by Hidayah House of Quran, Karya Bestari, Abdullah Basmeih, and Yayasan Restu are used as a corpus to examine the approaches of translation used by the four texts. Data analysis of the selected translation is based on the theory of explicitation introduced by Vinay & Darbelnet (1995) and the explicitation technique presented by Murtisari (2016). To measure the accuracy and compatibility of resource language messages with the target language, interpretation of the book of tafsĩr are referred to, such as al-Kashshāf by Al-Zamakhsyarĩ, al-Jalālain by Al-Suyūti, An'war At-Tanzĩl wa Asrāru At-Ta'wĩl by Baydhāwi, Al-Tashĩl lĩ 'Ulum al-Tanzĩl by Ibn Juzayy, al-Tahrĩr Wa Tanwĩr by Ibn' Asyur, Jami'ul Bayān by Al-Tabarĩ, Fĩ Zilāl al-Quran by Syed Qutb and Tafsĩr al-Munĩr by Wahbah Zuhailĩ. This study shows that two (2) of the five (5) (data) have shown the use of applying the explicitation strategy. It can reveal the implicit meaning that exists in the language style of majāz mursal from the relationship related to things that will happen (ĩtibar mā sayakūn) compared to the literal translation method.
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