Enhancing Children's Vocabulary Mastery Through Storytelling
Moon Hidayati Otoluwa,Rasuna Rasid Talib,Rosalin Tanaiyo,Herlina Usman
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21009/jpud.162.05
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:Significant language development differences occur in preschoolers, resolving these differences is a key objective of preschool education because young children's language abilities at the start of school, particularly their vocabulary abilities, are a strong predictor of later academic ability. Storytelling is one of the methods used to teach English, it makes the learning environment more interesting, energetic, and conversational. This study aims to examine storytelling in increasing children's vocabulary. The research method is a case study that uses observation, interviews, and documentation as data collection tools. The participants are an English teacher and seven children aged 4-5 years. Although, many early childhoods English teachers state that one of the weaknesses of children in learning English is a lack of vocabulary mastery because it can hamper the learning process. The findings show that storytelling is effective in increasing children's vocabulary. Vocabulary is the foundation for improving children's ability to speak English, both orally and in writing. Second language vocabulary is important to learn and develop for the quality of early childhood learners in language education.
Keywords: early childhood, vocabulary, storytelling
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