Welber Rebeeca
International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research
Abstract:According to CEDEFOP (2014) an educational qualification type is a group of titles/diplomas and/or certificates within a country, sharing similar characteristics in terms of level, duration of related education pathway, and level of labour market entry. Within a qualification type, there are many different qualifications according to content. Qualification is an indication of trust in someone’s personal capabilities (Cedefop, 2012). It is usually a degree, diploma or certificate awarded by a competent authority in recognition that particular programme or qualification outcomes have been achieved following the successful completion of a recognized higher education programme of study (QAA, 2014). A qualification can be a legal entitlement to practice a trade (OECD, 2007). Work or job performance has been used to define employees’ ability to complete assigned duties according to organizational set rules and procedures occasioned by the normal constraints of reasonable utilization of available resources (Ogunley & Osekita, 2016). Fundamentally, performance has been viewed as an evaluation of the results of a person’s behaviour, and it involves determining the behavioural actions on how well or poorly a person has accomplished a task or done a job. It had been concluded as Lussier (2010) believes that to attain high levels of performance by both employees and managers, it is important that organizations to warrant that their employees have the requisite qualifications, the abilities, and the resources to meet organizations objectives. The results of the study proved that there is a strong relationship between educational qualification and job performance. It has been found by 80% of the study’s respondents that by virtue of their educational qualification, they are able to come up with new ideas to perform their jobs very well. Subsequently, when employees’ performance is not at the standard level or above the level set, then organizational leaders have the responsibility to determine which performance factors need to be improved, and what strategies are adopted to improve them. Consequently, administrative staff and employees in general should think of the current gap and challenge within their career path and decide the best program that will help to meet such needs. Finally, to improve the nexus of academic qualifications and job performance, this study recommended that special incentives and grants be made available, as well as be the drivers behind their staff pursuing higher educational qualification.
Keywords: Educational Qualification, Employee Job Performance, Administrative Staff.