莫言小說《蛙》與多重權力—— 話語衝突中有關生育的文化記憶建構 / Mo Yan’s 莫言 Frog 蛙 and Competing Discourses on the Reconstruction of Cultural Memory on Birth and Birth Control
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Abstract:本文以莫言小說《蛙》為例,探討有關生育的傳統文化記憶在現 代啟蒙運動中如何被邊緣 化,又如何支持了農民對計劃生育過程中國 家採取的暴力手段的抵抗,以及最終在新自由主 義經濟發展時期如何 以類似宗教信仰的物化形式被重新啟動。文章認為,計劃生育不只是 一 個社會政治實踐,更是一個文化實踐。這一實踐折射出了整個二十 世紀現代啟蒙運動、民族─ 國家重建、社會主義實踐,以及市場化過 程中科學理性、信仰以及暴力之間複雜的內在關 聯。當國家以現代性 觀念將計劃生育这一暴力政策合法化時,農民則借助了基於「天理」 等 傳統觀念的久被壓抑的文化記憶對其進行抵抗。 -Taking Mo Yan’s 莫言 novel Frog 蛙 as a principal example, this article explores the ways in which the traditional cultural memory of birth is marginalized, the ways in which such memory endorses the farmers’ resistance to state violence in birth control, and the ways in which it is revitalized in a quasi-religious form in the era of the market economy. It argues that birth control is not only a sociopolitical practice, but also a cultural practice. Such a practice embodies the sophisticated innate connections among reason, belief, and violence in the Chinese Enlightenment Movement, nation-state building, socialist practice, and the market economy. When the state legitimizes its violent birth control practices though these modern discourses, the farmers invoke their repressed cultural memory rooted in traditional beliefs to endorse their resistance.