Heterosis for quantitative and qualitative traits in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)

D Rameshkumar,Irene P Vethamonai
DOI: https://doi.org/10.61180/vegsci.2020.v47.i1.10
Abstract:Throughout the last century, brinjal breeding has been basedon various standard methods, which has ultimately resultedin the development of improved brinjal cultivars and hybridshaving high quality and yield. In the present study,consisting of 6 diversified genotypes of brinjal along withtheir hybrids and one standard check were evaluated duringkharif season under randomized block design with tworeplications. Data on quantitative characters were recordedand better-parent and standard heterosis were determined.Significant levels of heterosis were detected for all the traitsstudied. Pronounced heterosis over standard check wasobserved for Plant height 22.49 % in Seetipulam Local ×Sevathampatti Local, number of branches per plant in SpinyLocal × Sevathampatti Local (46.97 %), fruit yield per plantin Sevathampatti Local × Spiny Local (34.57%) and numberof fruits per plant fruit in Spiny Local × Manaparai Local(36.68%). The crosses the highest negative and significantheterosis was exhibited by the hybrids Sevathampatti Local× Seetipulam Local and Seetipulam Local × SevathampattiLocal (-10.06 %) over standard check for earliness (days tofirst flowering and days to first harvesting). In this studySeetipulam Local ×Sevathampatti Local found superior formost of the characters (earliness and yield/plant) and it canbe commercially exploited after assessing their stability.
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