Mapping The Landscape of Childhood Obesity Research: Insights from A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis in Scopus Journals

Yasep Setiakarnawijaya,Karisda Pradityana,Nofi Marlina Siregar
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:This study aims to determine the development of scientific publications, mapping the scope and theme of publications related to obesity in early childhood published in Scopus-indexed journals from 2013-2023. This study uses the Scopus database which is retrieved using the publish or perish application. From the results of data extraction, 200 articles were obtained with keywords in the article titled Childhood Obesity. This research uses keyword co-occurrence analysis to identify and explore the main fields and topics that appear in publications. The application used to analyze the data is Vos Viewer. Based on the results of the analysis, 7 clusters were obtained. This study provides information to researchers, especially researchers in Indonesia about publication trends related to Childhood obesity. 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