Cognitive Serious Games Dynamically Modulated as a Therapeutic Tool for Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Éberte Valter da Silva Freitas,João Antonio Campos Panceri,Sheila Da Luz Schreider,Eliete Maria de Oliveira Caldeira,Teodiano Freire Bastos Filho
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
Abstract:This study introduces three dynamically modulated serious cognitive games as a therapeutic tool for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), employing the Socially Assistive Robot (SAR) MARIA T21 (Mobile Autonomous Robot for Interaction with Autistics and Trisomy 21). Developed in Unity 3D, the games are modulated based on performance and eye attention levels (measured a camera). The child-robot interaction protocol involved 18 children diagnosed with ASD, aged 5 to 9, conducted in a psychotherapy room. The results recorded by onboard sensors demonstrate the efficacy of the SAR MARIA T21 as an ABA therapeutic tool, with the dynamically adjusting difficulty levels to enhance engagement and sustained attention within the learning zone recommended by ABA literature.
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