Volodymyr Ognevyi,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32752/1993-6788-2024-1-274-46-65
Actual Problems of Economics
Abstract:The author's vision of endogenous obstacles to the development of the modern market economy and the ways to overcome them in the direction of macroeconomic policy on the labor-value basis of classical political economy are revealed. Three obstacles to economic growth in the course of its selfflowing (without state intervention) processes have been identified, namely: a) violation of valuemoney parity – loss of value adequacy of money; b) the lagging of solvent demand from the volume of product supply, which with a certain cyclicality blocks the reproductive process of production; c)"overproduction" of fictitious capital, which bleeds the real sector of the economy. Regarding the support of value-monetary parity in the economy, the expediency of applying the "monetary rule" of monetarism has been confirmed: the emission of the money supply to the beat with the increase in real GDP. Cyclical crises of commodity overproduction are caused by the lagging of solvent demand from supply by the amount of capital accumulation, and therefore have no rational options for overcoming them, except for damping sharp changes in cyclicality. The main novelty of the author's proposals is directed against the parasitic essence of the "financial economy", which sprouts in the course of the "overproduction" of fictitious capital. Since the root cause of such a harmful phenomenon is the overprofitability of the financial sector of the economy as a result of the value-speculative revaluation of inflated assets, the essence of the author's innovation comes down to a radical reform of the tax system in order to prevent their speculative revaluation: the transition from income taxation to taxation of the market capitalization (market valuation) of large businesses based on stock price. According to the author's assumption, the tax on the market value of assets should lead to the depreciation of the inflated capitalization of financial pyramids and bubbles, that will direct investments flows to the commodity-producing sector of the economy, exempted from taxation of business profits. As a result the tax reform will deconserve the production capacities of the real economy, will lead to the industrial revival of the countries of the world democracy in the face of authoritarian revenge. Especially if these countries are consolidated on the basis of a coordinated monetary and fiscal policy: a single currency and a unified tax system. Opposing the axis of autocratic evil requires it.
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